2004 Community Development & Planning Ecological Study of Children’s Lives Pamela Wridt Publications

Block politics

This paper explores how young people have experienced everyday life on ‘the block’ in a racially diverse lower to working class community in New York City over time, a concept that I refer to as block politics. Broadly defined, block politics refers to the process in which young people’s territories are socially conceived, performed, maintained and challenged in everyday life. Gendered and racialized norms and practices play an important role in determining how young people construct their identities and that of their block. Block politics represents one of the many ways in which young people express and articulate their sense of social and spatial inclusion/exclusion, something that has transcended both time and space in urban communities in the United States.

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Title:  Block politics

Author(s): Pamela Wridt

Publication Date: 2004

Publisher: Children’s Geographies