Bijan Kimiagar CERG News News

Presentation at the UN Commission for Social Development

13 February 2014, New York City Bijan Kimiagar was invited to present at the 52nd Session of the United Nations Commission for Social Development during a side event,  Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Through Education and Social Integration: A Focus on Boys. The International Humanist and Ethical Union sponsored the event, and the American Psychological Association was a […]

CERG News News Sruthi Atmakur

UNICEF publishes Sruthi Atmakur’s research in SOWC report

30 May 2013, New York City  Sruthi Atmakur, CERG Research Associate, published her Second Year Doctoral Research on Inclusive Play as a focus paper titled, “Playgrounds of Inclusion” for UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children Report 2013.

Bijan Kimiagar CERG News Scott Fisher

CERG researchers collaborate with Plan Egypt

23 March 2013, Cairo, Egypt Bijan Kimiagar and Scott Fisher, CERG Research Associates, traveled to Cairo, Egypt to collaborate with children and youth’s self-managed groups organizing in and around Cairo. The trip was made possible by the generous support and effort of Plan Egypt who funded and coordinated collaborative sessions with their front-line staff, field visits to children and […]

CERG News News Pamela Wridt

Dr. Wridt, invited speaker at annual “Growing in Place” symposium

20 February 2013, Raleigh, North Carolina,  USA CERG Co-Director Pamela Wridt is an invited speaker at the annual “Growing in Place” professional development symposium for urban planners and designers at Marbles Kids Museum on February 20, 2013. The event is sponsored by the Natural Learning Initiative at North Carolina State University.

Bijan Kimiagar CERG News Jennifer Tang News

Dr. Hart gives keynote, and CERG research associates present, in Barcelona

8 November 2012, Barcelona, Spain CERG Co-Director Roger Hart gave the keynote at the Child Participation and the Construction of Citizenship conference. The event aimed to disseminate results of recent research and foster dialogue on children’s participation and education in a forum for both researchers and practitioners. CERG Research Associates, Bijan Kimiagar and Jennifer Tang, were also invited to give […]

Areas of Concern Urban Poverty & Social/Environmental Justice

Urban Poverty & Social/Environmental Justice

Our work in this area is related to our understanding of children’s development in relation to qualities of the physical environment and to our knowledge of effective participatory strategies for supporting residents, including children and youth, in community development. A significant portion of this overseas work has been carried out in collaboration with the Human […]