2004 Children's Rights Community Development & Planning Publications Sheridan Bartlett

Everyone Counts: Dalit Children and Education

This report describes some Save the Children US programs in Siraha, Nepal, and their effectiveness in improving educational opportunities and success for children in excluded dalit (untouchable) caste groups. It looks at the advantages of supports targeted specifically at dalits, and compares them to more broadly targeted efforts to improve the quality of education. Research […]

2006 Children's Rights Publications Roger Hart

The Rights of Children and Youth to Participate

In 1989 the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), a set of universal standards for the protection and development of children that has been ratified by all member nations of the UN except the USA. This document has extraordinary implications for how children and youth should be perceived and […]

2006 Children, Nature & Sustainability Children's Rights Community Development & Planning Design: Programming & Evaluation Publications

Bridging the Gap: Save the Children’s Transitional Housing Project After the Tsunami in Ampara district, Sri Lanka

This report documents the housing process that Save the Children and its partners developed in the district of Ampara, Sri Lanka after the tsunami. The houses involved were transitional shelters, designed to bridge the gap between providing immediate emergency shelter and the construction of permanent housing. But there are other gaps that this process also […]

2008 Children, Nature & Sustainability Children's Rights Community Development & Planning Publications Sheridan Bartlett

The implications of climate change for children in lower-income countries

This article provides a brief overview of the implications for children of climate change—both of extreme weather events and more gradual changes, along with the adaptations likely to be made at various levels. Because data on the impacts of climate change tend not to be disaggregated by sub-population or by age, there is insufficient knowledge […]

2008 Children, Nature & Sustainability Children's Rights Publications Sheridan Bartlett

The impacts of climate change for children in poor urban areas

This paper discusses the particular and disproportionate risks to urban children in poverty from various aspects of climate change, both extreme events and changing means. It explores the potential impacts on children’s health, learning and psychosocial well-being, and considers the implications of family coping strategies for children. The paper goes on to discuss the implications for adaptation, […]

2009 Children's Citizenship, Participation & Governance Children's Rights Ecological Study of Children’s Lives Publications Roger Hart

Charting Change in the Participatory Settings of Childhood

In this chapter Hart argues that the emphasis on children’s decision making with adults and consultation with adults in formal settings is a much too narrow view of children’s social participation for citizenship. Instead, a new vision of children’s social participation in the settings of their daily lives, from peer and family interactions and decision-making […]

2009 Children's Rights Publications Sheridan Bartlett

Environments of Poverty and What They Mean for Child Protection

This paper explores the three-way relationship between poverty, the physical surroundings and children’s exposure to maltreatment, focusing primarily on the low income countries of the global South and discussing the implications for practice. The links between poverty and maltreatment have been widely acknowledged within the academic literature and in the child protection frameworks of agencies and organizations. Yet even so, this relationship is often something that is alluded […]

2007 Children's Rights Community Development & Planning Pamela Wridt Publications

Creating child friendly cities: the case of Denver, USA

Referencing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as the basis to make cities more supportive of children’s needs, this paper discusses the emergence and characteristics of child friendly cities. It then reviews the development of an initiative in Denver, Colorado, to become the number one child friendly city in the USA, and […]

Children's Citizenship, Participation & Governance Children's Rights Jennifer Tang Publications

How far have we come with youth governance?

Children have agency. Recognising this, those promoting children’s rights advocate for their participation in the governance of their communities. How children and youth are engaged in governance activities takes different forms – with various degrees of success. Programmes and projects that promote children’s and youth’s engagement in governance (or CYEG) often come from a commitment to […]

2011 Children's Rights Community Development & Planning Play Roger Hart

Planning Cities with Children in Mind

This essay reaches into the complex issues of urban growth to ask how we can insert a better understanding of children’s needs and perspectives into the governance, planning and management of cities. The issue of how cities develop has distinct and serious implications for children. Children are more vulnerable to many of the hazards of […]