This article draws from a study investigating the life trajectories of 17 youth climate activists from 14 countries through semi-structured, life memory interviews using Internet-based methods. The interpretations of the interviews focus on the ways in which participants constructed the meanings and functions of experiences and how they represented the nature of the process of […]
Category: Scott Fisher
This article demonstrates the potential of participatory mapping approaches to coordinate spontaneous volunteers and assist government agencies and humanitarian organizations in emergency contexts. The research focuses on one case study of a volunteer mapping project in the Rockaways in New York City to help communicate the needs reported by community members to outsiders after Hurricane […]
Click here to preview Title: A Review of “Children, Citizenship, and Environment: Nurturing a Democratic Imagination in a Changing World” by Bronwyn Hayward. New York, NY: Routledge, 2012, 208 pages. ISBN: 978-1-84971-437-2 ($44.94, paperback). Author: Scott Fisher Publication Date: 2014 Publisher: Journal of Environmental Education, Volume 45, Issue 4
This article argues for the importance of including children in community governance for addressing climate change as an alternative to short-term, one-off projects. It addresses key issues for involving children in community governance for sustainability, such as why and how children should be involved, and highlights a number of examples of children’s participation in community […]
23 March 2013, Cairo, Egypt Bijan Kimiagar and Scott Fisher, CERG Research Associates, traveled to Cairo, Egypt to collaborate with children and youth’s self-managed groups organizing in and around Cairo. The trip was made possible by the generous support and effort of Plan Egypt who funded and coordinated collaborative sessions with their front-line staff, field visits to children and […]