Dr. Hart highlights his research on how children’s play and out-of-school lives have changed on Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s RN Drive’s Series “It’s All Academic: kid’s geography” .
Category: CERG News
The resource begins by providing a series of six steps for developing a research process with young children. The resource provides detailed examples of multiple methods suitable for use in a variety of global contexts. These methods are clustered into groups, which include child-led tours, methods that are carried out in-situ, visuals that can be […]
Dr. Hart’s research featured on Invisibilia Podcast, National Public Radio, USA
CERG Research Associates, Sruthi Atmakur-Javdekar and Jennifer Tang presented at the fourth International Conference on the Geographies of Children, Youth & Families in San Diego California held January 12-15, 2015. The conference provided an opportunity for anthropologists, sociologists, landscape architects, planners, and development workers to join geographers in reflecting, discussing, and contributing to the growing […]
On November 20th, 2014, CERG Research Associate Jennifer Tang was invited to speak at the UN Department of Public Information NGO briefing celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The event featured International experts, youth activists, and performances by children on the theme “Have you heard us? Children’s voices […]
Watch This is Me: Article 31 and a Child’s Right to Play from the International Play Association. [youtube width=”600″ height=”400″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tjRPWPhIfA[/youtube]
Research Internship Opportunity
15 July 2014, New York City CERG seeks research assistants to collaborate on a video data analysis project from. For inquiries or to submit an application, please contact CERG.NYC[at]Gmail[dot]com. [gdoc link=”https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZXAjP2OBRCQXIiofxDVL2PgEvAMiHmwbpNmA2Gg4kus/pub” height=”350″ width=”700″]

30 July 2014, Florence, Italy Roger Hart, CERG co-director, and research associates Scott Fisher and Bijan Kimiagar’s article, Beyond Projects: Involving Children in Community Governance as a Fundamental Strategy for Facing Climate Change for UNICEF Office of Research’s The Challenges of Climate Change: Children on the Front Line, was released today. The publication will be used to support […]
22 July 2011, New York City During the Child Friendly Communities East Harlem project, youth produced a film about children’s rights to raise awareness among young people in America about their rights. They interviewed children, youth and adults on the streets of East Harlem, and conducted focus groups with 70 children aged 8-18, and 25 adults to […]
Dr. Hart’s research featured on: It’s All Academic: Kid’s Geography, Australian Broadcasting Corporation Invisibilia Podcast, National Public Radio-USA All Things Considered, National Public Radio-USA The Current, CBC/Radio-Canada The Secret Life of Daytime, This American Life