2002 Publications Sheridan Bartlett

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Reporting System and the Physical Environment

Save the Children Sweden (SCS) has been developing a focus on children’s environments, and especially the environments of urban children in low-income countries. As part of SCS’s initial exploration, a number of background documents have been produced, including these reporting guidelines. The main objective of this report is to evaluate the attention given to the […]

2002 Publications Sheridan Bartlett

The problem of children’s injuries in low-income countries

Unintentional injuries are the cause of death and disability for millions of children every year in low-income countries. Challenging living conditions, heavy traffic, a lack of safe play space and an absence of child care options, together with a disproportionate vulnerability to injury, combine to put children at high risk. Inaccessible and unaffordable emergency services […]

2002 Community Development & Planning Publications Sheridan Bartlett

Poverty and exclusion among urban children

This Digest addresses the reality of these children. It highlights the chronic poverty and mar- ginalisation they face: many spend their days digging in rubbish tips for something they can sell, and their nights on the streets, where they risk violence and exploitation. They lack a secure home, can’t afford access to health services or […]

2002 Community Development & Planning Publications Sheridan Bartlett

Building better cities with children and youth

Although in Environment & Urbanization have focused on children, the last issue that dealt exclusively with children’s concerns came out in 1990. This focused primarily on urban children’s vulnerabilities to disease, acci- dents and early death as a result of their poor living environments. There has been depressingly little progress on this front over the […]

2004 Publications Sheridan Bartlett

Water, sanitation and urban children: The need to go beyond “improved” provision

This paper reviews the implications of inadequate provi- sion of water and sanitation for children’s health and general development, especially in urban areas. Research into health differentials shows that child mortality and morbidity rates in poor urban settlements can equal or exceed those in rural areas. This review considers, in particular, the higher vulner- ability […]

2004 Children's Rights Community Development & Planning Publications Sheridan Bartlett

Everyone Counts: Dalit Children and Education

This report describes some Save the Children US programs in Siraha, Nepal, and their effectiveness in improving educational opportunities and success for children in excluded dalit (untouchable) caste groups. It looks at the advantages of supports targeted specifically at dalits, and compares them to more broadly targeted efforts to improve the quality of education. Research […]

2005 Community Development & Planning Publications Sheridan Bartlett

An alternative model for responding to children in poverty: the work of the Alliance in Mumbai and other cities

This paper describes the work of the NGO SPARC and its grass roots partners in Mumbai (together known as the Alliance), with particular reference to the implications of their work for children and child-focused organizations. Although the Alliance does not specifically target children, its efforts to find the most practical solutions to the problems of […]

2005 Children's Citizenship, Participation & Governance Publications Sheridan Bartlett

Good governance – Making age a part of the equation

There has been a fair amount of confusion about the focus of this issue of CYE—both about the concept of “governance” (“Why don’t you just say ‘government’?”), and about how we are relating it to children (“Why are you having two issues on participation in one year?”). Some explanation is in order here. The words […]

2008 Children, Nature & Sustainability Children's Rights Community Development & Planning Publications Sheridan Bartlett

The implications of climate change for children in lower-income countries

This article provides a brief overview of the implications for children of climate change—both of extreme weather events and more gradual changes, along with the adaptations likely to be made at various levels. Because data on the impacts of climate change tend not to be disaggregated by sub-population or by age, there is insufficient knowledge […]

2008 Children, Nature & Sustainability Children's Rights Publications Sheridan Bartlett

The impacts of climate change for children in poor urban areas

This paper discusses the particular and disproportionate risks to urban children in poverty from various aspects of climate change, both extreme events and changing means. It explores the potential impacts on children’s health, learning and psychosocial well-being, and considers the implications of family coping strategies for children. The paper goes on to discuss the implications for adaptation, […]