The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) should be monitored in a way that both captures the experiences and views of youth and includes young people in processes that hold governments to account for these global commitments. The Working Group on Youth-Inclusive Governance Indicators has identified a list of national- level indicators and methods for monitoring Goal 16 Targets […]
Category: Urban Poverty & Social/Environmental Justice
This article presents a child rights-based, participatory and intergenerational assessment and planning methodology that empowers communities to collect, analyze, and act upon data summarizing the opinions and experiences of children, adolescents and parents to influence local development processes at different scales of change. The article critically reflects upon two case studies of this methodology as […]
In Nairobi in 1995, during the second preparatory meeting for the international United Nations Habitat II conference, delegates recognizes that they had been giving insufficient attention in their agenda to the special needs of children for sage, secure and healthy living conditions. A child caucus, composed mainly of non-governmental organizations with Plan International in a […]

Our work in this area is related to our understanding of children’s development in relation to qualities of the physical environment and to our knowledge of effective participatory strategies for supporting residents, including children and youth, in community development. A significant portion of this overseas work has been carried out in collaboration with the Human […]