2014 Children's Citizenship, Participation & Governance Publications Scott Fisher

A Review of “Children, Citizenship, and Environment: Nurturing a Democratic Imagination in a Changing World” by Bronwyn Hayward

Click here to preview Title: A Review of “Children, Citizenship, and Environment: Nurturing a Democratic Imagination in a Changing World” by Bronwyn Hayward. New York, NY: Routledge, 2012, 208 pages. ISBN: 978-1-84971-437-2 ($44.94, paperback). Author: Scott Fisher Publication Date: 2014 Publisher: Journal of Environmental Education, Volume 45, Issue 4  

2009 Children's Citizenship, Participation & Governance Children's Rights Ecological Study of Children’s Lives Publications Roger Hart

Charting Change in the Participatory Settings of Childhood

In this chapter Hart argues that the emphasis on children’s decision making with adults and consultation with adults in formal settings is a much too narrow view of children’s social participation for citizenship. Instead, a new vision of children’s social participation in the settings of their daily lives, from peer and family interactions and decision-making […]

2014 Bijan Kimiagar Children, Nature & Sustainability Children's Citizenship, Participation & Governance Children's Rights Publications Roger Hart Scott Fisher

Beyond Projects

This article argues for the importance of including children in community governance for addressing climate change as an alternative to short-term, one-off projects. It addresses key issues for involving children in community governance for sustainability, such as why and how children should be involved, and highlights a number of examples of children’s participation in community […]