4 May 2015, New York City Research Associate Bijan Kimiagar is invited as a speaker at Toward a World at School: Forum on Global Education. The event took place at Roosevelt House. A recording of the panel discussion is available at https://livestream.com/roosevelthouse/towards-a-world-at-school. The forum was a collaboration between the Public Policy Program of Hunter College, the Human Rights Program […]
Category: Publications
I am Jo Hill and I have recently reconnected with CERG. I am a gender and child rights researcher and practitioner, with a background in social anthropology and international development. I’ve just moved to New York with my family and it has been great to get back in touch with CERG again. I first worked […]
This paper provides new insights into the ways in which urban youth draw upon and reference spatial concepts over the course of their participation in activism and organizing. The concept of the geographical imagination is the starting point from which to explore how young people’s understanding of places near and far affects their political engagement. […]
This article draws from a study investigating the life trajectories of 17 youth climate activists from 14 countries through semi-structured, life memory interviews using Internet-based methods. The interpretations of the interviews focus on the ways in which participants constructed the meanings and functions of experiences and how they represented the nature of the process of […]

CERG event – 5 March 2015 “In Search of Adventure”: Towards an adventure playground in New York City. Panel Speakers A Brief History of Adventure Playgrounds in the Anglo-American Context Reilly Bergin Wilson, Environmental Psychology, The Graduate Center Hands-on-nature ANARCHY ZONE in Ithaca, NY Rusty Keeler, EarthPlay Play:ground: Enabling adventure in NYC Alexander Khost and […]
Dr. Hart highlights his research on how children’s play and out-of-school lives have changed on Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s RN Drive’s Series “It’s All Academic: kid’s geography” .
This paper describes how lack of access to adequate sanitation facilities affects the lives of adolescent girls in urban poor India. It draws specifically on the experiences of four adolescent girls, each living in one of four settlements in Bengaluru, India, and conversations with a larger group of girls. Findings reveal that where sanitation facilities […]
The resource begins by providing a series of six steps for developing a research process with young children. The resource provides detailed examples of multiple methods suitable for use in a variety of global contexts. These methods are clustered into groups, which include child-led tours, methods that are carried out in-situ, visuals that can be […]
Dr. Hart’s research featured on Invisibilia Podcast, National Public Radio, USA
CERG Research Associates, Sruthi Atmakur-Javdekar and Jennifer Tang presented at the fourth International Conference on the Geographies of Children, Youth & Families in San Diego California held January 12-15, 2015. The conference provided an opportunity for anthropologists, sociologists, landscape architects, planners, and development workers to join geographers in reflecting, discussing, and contributing to the growing […]