CERG Research Associate, Sruthi Atmakur-Javdekar, secretary for International Play Association (IPA) – India Chapter, was invited to present at ‘Kaleidoscope 2015: Participation and Play in the Urban Context’ at SNDT University, Mumbai on 30th November, 2015. This conference was hosted in collaboration with Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Magic Bus India, IPA – India, […]
Category: 2015
This article presents a child rights-based, participatory and intergenerational assessment and planning methodology that empowers communities to collect, analyze, and act upon data summarizing the opinions and experiences of children, adolescents and parents to influence local development processes at different scales of change. The article critically reflects upon two case studies of this methodology as […]
Dr. Roger Hart was interviewed for the Archiculture project by Arbuckle Industries
This report, launched in July 2015, documents the “Children’s Earthquake Recovery Consultation” which was carried out with children in Nepal, following the massive earthquakes in April and May 2015. These earthquakes resulted in over 8,700 deaths and massive destruction across the affected districts. To better understand the impact on children, Plan International, Save the Children, […]
Remembering Selim Iltus
It is with profound sadness for us to write that on Sunday July 12th Dr. Selim Iltus passed away. Selim was a wonderful man and a brilliant scholar who worked centrally with the Children’s Environments Research Group from its foundation. He was deeply committed to children’s rights and had a significant impact on the lives […]
4 May 2015, New York City Research Associate Bijan Kimiagar is invited as a speaker at Toward a World at School: Forum on Global Education. The event took place at Roosevelt House. A recording of the panel discussion is available at https://livestream.com/roosevelthouse/towards-a-world-at-school. The forum was a collaboration between the Public Policy Program of Hunter College, the Human Rights Program […]
This article draws from a study investigating the life trajectories of 17 youth climate activists from 14 countries through semi-structured, life memory interviews using Internet-based methods. The interpretations of the interviews focus on the ways in which participants constructed the meanings and functions of experiences and how they represented the nature of the process of […]

CERG event – 5 March 2015 “In Search of Adventure”: Towards an adventure playground in New York City. Panel Speakers A Brief History of Adventure Playgrounds in the Anglo-American Context Reilly Bergin Wilson, Environmental Psychology, The Graduate Center Hands-on-nature ANARCHY ZONE in Ithaca, NY Rusty Keeler, EarthPlay Play:ground: Enabling adventure in NYC Alexander Khost and […]
Dr. Hart highlights his research on how children’s play and out-of-school lives have changed on Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s RN Drive’s Series “It’s All Academic: kid’s geography” .
This paper describes how lack of access to adequate sanitation facilities affects the lives of adolescent girls in urban poor India. It draws specifically on the experiences of four adolescent girls, each living in one of four settlements in Bengaluru, India, and conversations with a larger group of girls. Findings reveal that where sanitation facilities […]