2007 Children, Nature & Sustainability Children's Rights Community Development & Planning Publications Selim Iltus Sheridan Bartlett Year

Making Space for Children: Planning for Post-disaster Reconstruction with Children and their Families

This handbook aims at contributing to disaster response reconstruction programmes that not only rebuild the physical living environment but that strengthen the capacity of communities to regain control of their own lives, with a focus on their children’s present and future well-being. It considers the Why, What, and How of planning for post-disaster reconstruction with […]

2007 Caitlin Cahill Children's Citizenship, Participation & Governance Children's Rights Publications Roger Hart Year

Re-Thinking the Boundaries of Civic Participation by Children and Youth in North America

In this introduction to the special issue on children’s participation, Cahill and Hart address issues raised by the collected papers and identify new questions for further engagement, rather than offer a general overview of the field. These questions include What is the context for participation? What does it mean to “participate”? Why have children been excluded from […]

1999 Children's Citizenship, Participation & Governance Children's Rights Community Development & Planning Design: Programming & Evaluation Play Publications Roger Hart Sheridan Bartlett

Cities for Children

Cities for children: children’s rights, poverty and urban managementSheridan Bartlett … [et al.]; Earthscan 1999WorldCat•LibraryThing•Google Books•BookFinder 

1997 Children, Nature & Sustainability Children's Citizenship, Participation & Governance Children's Rights Community Development & Planning Design: Programming & Evaluation Methodological Innovations Publications Roger Hart

Children’s Participation

Children’s Participation: The Theory and Practice of Involving Young Citizens in Community Development and Environmental CareRoger Hart; Earthscan Publications Ltd. 1997WorldCat•LibraryThing•Google Books•BookFinder 

2014 Bijan Kimiagar Children, Nature & Sustainability Children's Citizenship, Participation & Governance Children's Rights Publications Roger Hart Scott Fisher

Beyond Projects

This article argues for the importance of including children in community governance for addressing climate change as an alternative to short-term, one-off projects. It addresses key issues for involving children in community governance for sustainability, such as why and how children should be involved, and highlights a number of examples of children’s participation in community […]

1999 Children's Rights Community Development & Planning Publications Sheridan Bartlett

Children’s experience of the physical environment in poor urban settlements and the implications for policy, planning and practice

This paper describes how children’s needs are routinely ignored or misunderstood by urban development policy, plans and practice – and the very high costs this brings for them in terms of ill-health, injury, premature death and impaired physical, mental and social development. For instance, provision for water, sanitation and housing often fails to address the […]